The Ideal Fitness Business Model

So you want to start your own fitness business. Congratulations on making a wise decision that means you’ll be doing something you love, for as long as you want to do it, with the potential to make a lot of money.

Now, where do you begin?

Find the Right Property

The first thing you’ll probably want to consider is a property. Depending on where you are, you may have already seen a suitable property that’s in good condition and doesn’t need a ton of money spending on it.

Hopefully the property will be owned by a decent landlord, with lease terms that won’t keep you awake every night worrying about the air conditioning or the roof caving in.

Hire a real estate attorney who can look over the terms of any lease before you sign on the dotted line, after you’ve decided how long a lease you’ll be comfortable with.

Working Capital

Have you got enough money available to rent a building, refurbish it, buy equipment, and have some left over to hire an assistant? You’re going to be working long hours in the beginning and you’ll need a financial cushion to see you through at least the first 3 months, pay rent plus all the other expenses, and cover the costs of marketing, not to mention paying your own personal bills with enough left over to eat occasionally.

For most folks this probably means getting a loan, and to do that you’ll need to have a solid and realistic business plan in your hand.


You do have a solid marketing plan don’t you? Have you set up a blog or website? Do you know exactly where and how you’re going to advertise and how much it will cost? Who is your target audience? What is their local median income? How much can you charge per hour to be competitive?

You have to know your target audience to get the maximum return from your marketing dollars. You could have the most attractive facility with the latest state of the art equipment, but without paying customers, you’re doomed.

Would it be better or Easier to buy into a Franchise?

Easier perhaps, because a franchise can offer you a brand name and a proven system for starting your business, plus help when you need it. Better - well that’s debatable because many fitness franchises charge excessively for what they actually do for you.

One of the other big considerations is you’ll have to run your business exactly to the franchisor’s specifications - and that’s why many fitness business owners decide against becoming franchisees. You can only sell products approved by the franchisor and do things their way, which kind of defeats the object of having your own business doesn’t it.

If you have great ideas and want to adapt to the latest trends and promote specialized areas of the fitness business, then becoming a big name franchisee won’t be for you. You’ll only end up feeling as if you’re working for the Man again.

One of the greatest things about Fit Body Boot Camp - the anti-franchise franchise - is that you have the best of both worlds. You get world class support and a blue-print to success to follow without the strict rules of the run-of-the-mill franchises. All while not being penalized for being successful since Fit Body's franchise fee is flat - not a percentage - and does not increase.


Your local Small Business Adminsitration can help with many of your questions - and you’ll have plenty of them - which will include the following:

Billing Software
Credit Card processing
Local Pay rates
Local Competition

You definitely will need the help of an attorney and an accountant.

Now, before you throw your hands in the air and reach for a stiff drink, or give up on your great idea completely, there is another way, it’s called a

Turn-Key Fitness Business Blueprint

This is an ideal solution for anyone, just like you, who is looking to start his own fitness business without having to investigate, research and understand all the above-mentioned BS on your own. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

There’s a turn-key blueprint out there for your fitness business, whether you want to specialize in martial arts, weight loss, or cardio training, you’ll find step-by-step instructions to get you on the fast track without the burden of having to investigate all the ins and outs of starting the business you’ve been dreaming about.

A turn-key blueprint will help you through the entire process, show you exactly what steps to take and where to go to get what you need to get started.

It’s similar to the ideal fitness franchise model, only on your terms, and for a lot less money. You’ll get tips, access to the best tools and help setting up your business, offered by professionals who already know everything you’ll ever need to know about the fitness industry.

You’ll save precious time by getting the right answers, leaving you to get on with what you do best.


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