Body building cycle use and abuse of steroids

The process of developing muscle through exercise and diet is referred to as bodybuilding. Bodybuilding cycle is a cycle in which doctors prescribe drugs such as steroids in a cycle of time period after which it should be removed. After some months off the cycle, the next cycle begins and this procedure continues. These steroids induce artificial testosterone. The crowd is usually stereotypical that only the intake of steroids will automatically make the user built and muscular, the fact being that exercise is a must.

Who uses steroids?

Exercising is one of the best ways to achieve a great physique, but however people nowadays tend to go for shortcuts and engage themselves into artificial methods like using steroids. Unfortunately, they don’t realize how wrong they are.

What are Steroids?

Steroids are artificial hormones taken to boost performance. Human body consists of two kinds of steroids.

Corticosteroids: They are synthesized by the adrenal glands. They are mainly hormones like aldosterone controlling and regulating the concentration of sodium in the body. Also, cortisol is a hormone usually released in response to physical and mental stress. Cortisol is important in the release of glucose into the bloodstream during stress, providing energy for the brain itself and the release of fatty acids from the fat cells that provide the muscles with energy.

Anabolic or Androgenic steroids: Hormones that regulate testosterone in the ovaries and testes. Testosterone has an influence on the development of characteristics of males and in increasing the quantity tissue of body by increased production of proteins. These hormones are either consumed orally or injected into the body and have an effect on the body’s endocrine system to synthesize extra testosterone.

Anabolism is basically the capacity to build muscles. At times these steroids are demented with corticosteroids that treat illness in which inflammation is a part of the disease. Taking these anabolic steroids builds muscle mass. Consumption of these has become common to boost sports performance. It has been a great influence on media and is mostly a sports headline as athletes and bodybuilders exploit these drugs illegally for better performance.

These steroids are available only as prescribed medicines but are often abused for enhancing performance of athletes and body builders. Some of these steroids act like testosterone, whereas some cause the body to synthesize extra testosterone by intervening with the endocrine system in the body. Excess testosterone affects functions of cells and organs in the body.

Some examples of anabolic steroids are – Deca-Durabol, Anabol, HGH, Androstenedione, Androstenedione, etc.

Anabolic steroids are taken in rounds where they are used for some days, and then a break is taken. The cycle is repeated again after some days/weeks because there is a need to have recovery time and to prevent recognition because of the way they are processed.

Prolonged steroid abuse results in: 

1, Acne and oily skin

2, Emotional mood swings

3, Gain in weight rapidly

4, Increased aggressiveness

5, Gynecomastia: enlargement of breasts in males

6, Liver damage

7, Decrease in pumping ability of the heart

8, Depression

Testosterone decreases leading to:

9, Decrease in testicle size

10, Decreased sperm production

11, Baldness

12, Infertility

It is not what your aim is but there are cutting stack available which are not artificial and there are healthier ways to deal with your body instead of going for synthetic methods.


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