Misconceptions building muscle and burning fat

There are a lot of myths about fat burning in the fitness world, today i want to talk a bit about a few of them, and with that i hope i can help to clear some people’s minds about fat burning.

Myth 1- To lose fat you need to eat six times a day so that your metabolism keeps burning calories. I don’t mean to be rude, but this myth is so stupid, and so non sense. First of all, it’s true we burn calories when digesting foods, but saying that we should keep eating to keep the metabolism burning calories is being stupid (it’s the kindest word i can find) First of all our metabolism is always burning calories, just to keep us alive, even when we’re sleeping. If you want to keep your metabolism firing and burning calories, how about doing some physical activity? I can tell you for sure that it’s the best way to keep burning calories.

If you eat six times a day, you’ll never burn fat, because your blood will always be loaded with sugar, and your body will never burn fat, because having sugar will keep your body away from its reserves, it’s a simple survival mechanism. You burn more calories when your digesting your food, but the calories in those foods are much more than the ones you spend when digesting the food, so you’re always losing on the calories counting.

Myth 2 - This one is specially used in the bodybuilding world, i guess it’s because they’re afraid to lose one pound of fat that they think it’s muscle after bulking up so much. Well the myth is, you don’t have to do cardio, just lifting weights will be enough to burn fat. Well it’s another idea that will get you nowhere if you want to lose fat, if you train for strength and hypertrophy, then the weight training alone won’t melt enough fat from your body, specially if your on a high calorie diet. You have to do cardio at least 3 times a week. You can do cardio with weights, but that’s a different way of training with weights, it has to be done with almost zero rest between sets and with high reps.

Myth 3 - Doing steady state cardio at a moderate pace is the best way to burn fat. The truth is, look at those fat ladies doing cardio on the static bike or on the treadmill at your gym, remember them? Yes they’re the ones who started to train at your gym last year, and yet they’re still fat, and they keep doing cardio everyday, at a steady moderate pace, for one hour, and they’re fat. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do moderate cardio for long periods, what i’m saying is that it shouldn’t be the only thing you do, you should do HIIT cardio that should be the main core, after you do HIIT you can then walk or run slow for 45 minutes, or you can do one thing one day, and the other the next day, i believe it’s better to mix things up in the same workout, i’ve started to do that recently, and i enjoy more, i believe the results can be better, but if you prefer to do the two types of cardio on different days it also works well.

For now this is it, if you’re following those myths you’re wasting a lot of your time and getting no results, just change this 3 things and your results will improve a lot.

Good luck, burn that fat fast (sprinting


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