Ten Gifts for the Healthy/Active Mom

Yep, it is almost Mother’s Day! We know you all are always-ahead-of-the-game kind of people, so we are certain you have not waited this long to do, make or buy something for the mothers in your lives! But just in case we were wrong… (or, you know, to plan ahead for next Mother’s Day, because you are just that awesome)… we have compiled a list of 10 things to do, make or buy to honor all the wonderful things the mothers we know do everyday.

1. Time with the family is one of the things mom’s say they most want for Mother’s Day. Get your mother a trip to do something fun that will also allow her to be active. Try a trip to Calloway Gardens to walk or bike around and enjoy nature. Other options include canoeing or kayaking with the family, a picnic and a day at a local state park or a fun-filled day on a zip line tour right here in Georgia.

2. If one activity just isn’t enough, do a twist on this “Date Night Jar” by giving mom a “Mom’s Night Jar.” Stuff the jar full of activities or treats to do with (or for) mom on the weekends – breakfast in bed, free babysitting so she can go out with friends, a trip to a local museum or a scheduled family game night at home.

3. If your mom is a fitness buff (or even just a beginner looking to stay fit and healthy), avoid too many chocolates and load her up with gear that will encourage her fitness goals instead. A pedometer is great to help mom’s who are on-the-go keep track of their steps. An Ipod or an iTunes gift card is great for mom’s who love to listen to music while they workout. A new set of sneakers or a heart rate monitor would be perfect for true running fanatics.

4. For the mom that is always busy and needs to slow down, consider a spa certificate for a facial or a massage. Managing stress is an important part of a healthy life, and nothing says stress-free like an afternoon at the spa. Scarlet’s Retreat Day Spa (off the McDonough square) is the favorite of Jeanie Thomas, a special mom and the co-owner of Innovations Fitness.

5. Bringing Mom breakfast in bed is a classic, but be sure to bring the mom in your life something healthy. For ideas and recipes check out this link (and this one too)!

6. If you have a mom who loves to sip on healthy hot tea in the morning or afternoon, make her a “tea wreath.” Not only is it cute and healthy, it is also handmade. Handmade gifts are one of the other things that research shows mothers most want for Mother’s Day.

7. If your mother likes to garden, consider giving her a set of herbs to put in the garden or window box. They are easy to care for and a great healthy addition to meals! If she is a true gardening pro, give her vegetable plants and gardening gear.

8. Is there something your mom has always wanted to do, but keeps putting off? Maybe it is as radical as skydiving. Maybe she has always dreamed of running a 5K or taking a self-defense class. Whatever it is, get her something that will help her achieve her goal.

9. Don’t forget about the soon-to-be mom’s in your life. This cute idea for a hospital survival kit is a nice gift to help moms-to-be have a healthy and comfortable (well, as comfortable as these things can be) delivery.

10. This last gift has little to do with health, but it is so darn fun that we can’t help but share it! Compile photos and mementos from all the years of great memories you have had with your mom and package them in cute envelopes by year. This blogger compiled 60 years worth of memories for her father’s birthday! But the idea can be easily adjusted for Mother’s Day. (And did you see those envelopes the blogger put the memories in? They are so perfect that they make us want to jump for joy!)

To the loving mom’s who raise us, to the surrogate mom’s who care for us when our mothers are absent or have passed-away and to the mother’s to be, THANK YOU for all you do! You are strong, intelligent and beautiful, and we love working with you and alongside you everyday!


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