Triathlon Training Log – Week 15

For the first time in a few weeks, we are back to regularly scheduled programming.

Back in my happy place and back on dawn patrol

It’s taken a lot longer than I anticipated to recover from the Queens Marathon, and although I am trying to be patient with myself, I really want to start logging quality efforts again.

Training notes: this is the first week since the marathon that I’ve felt semi-normal/recovered. All but one of my workouts went as planned, but unfortunately, the pool was closed for general maintenance and the Easter holiday. I definitely missed the water this week. I also got a sports massage, which helped the recovery process.

Monday – a.m. CompuTrainer class at Tailwind Endurance

We kicked off Monday with a recovery-based 75-minute ride. My legs felt fatigued getting on the bike, but they felt better getting off.

Tuesday – a.m. brick (CompuTrainer class at Tailwind Endurance and run in Central Park); p.m. run with Achilles

Some #2MileTuesday action with 60 minutes in the saddle and two miles off the bike.

After work, I met my Achilles buddy, and we ran together for the first time since the marathon. Central Park was a zoo—so many folks on bikes, motorized vehicles, etc.—and it was stressful guiding experience, but we completed six miles.

Wednesday – a.m. run

What was supposed to be my first workout since the marathon ended up being a recovery run. After doing a warm-up and the first interval, I could tell my legs were not in a good place. I could’ve grinded it out, but I am trying to be smarter about my training, especially since my first race isn’t until June. I also got a much needed sports massage after work.

Thursday – a.m. CompuTrainer class at Tailwind Endurance

We completed the same VO2 max workout from last week: 6×3 minutes at VO2 max with three minutes of rest between each interval. One of the benefits of repeating sessions is learning from the workout before and executing more precisely the next time. Last week, I found myself “hanging out” at 110 percent for each interval—I couldn’t tap into the top-end watts—but this week, I knew I could push myself. With each progressive interval, I challenged myself to start a bit higher: 105, 110, 115, 117 and finally 120 percent.

Friday – off

Saturday – a.m. CompuTrainer class at Tailwind Endurance

An easier-than-anticipated two-hour indoor ride. Our main set included two, 25-minute builds that started at 65 percent and progressed to 105 percent plus one final block at 90 percent that called for different cadences every three minutes. I got off the bike feeling great!

Sunday – a.m. run

Easy and sweaty loop of Central Park with my running buddy. The warm weather has arrived!


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