Best one fat burning exercises


In the last post i talked about fat burning tips, all related to nutrition, today i’ll be talking about fat burning again, but the tips are about exercises. First of all let me tell you that, all exercises can burn fat, there are ways to workout that are more effective than others, like doing your cardio in HIIT style

I see a lot of trainers saying that running is better than swimming, or biking is better than running, or better than walking, and so on, so on, but the truth is, all exercises are good to burn fat, i know i already said this, but it’s very important that you keep this in mind. Any exercise that you choose to workout is good for fat burning.

First of all it’s very important that you like what you’re doing, if not, there’s no point, you’ll be  bored, you won’t give your best, even though you really want to, but the motivation is never the same, and the final result will be you giving up, and that fat burning goal will be abandoned.

If you like swimming and not biking, swim, it’s as simple as that. Do what you like, and also very important, you don’t have to stick to just one type of exercise, you can do more that one sport, you can lift weights, and run, or swim and run, or rope jumping and biking, you choose what you like,

you can do as many exercises as you want, just feel good about it, feel pleasure, have fun and give it all, but remember one thing, progression is fundamental, so keep track of what you’re doing and be consistent with the exercises that you choose, don’t just do one exercise today and then leave that exercise alone for two weeks, choose a few that you like, but do each one at least once or twice a week, and keep progressing, keep challenging your body and mind, if you don’t you won’t see results in your fat burning goal.

I believe and science is proving it, that doing your cardio in HIIT style is more effective to burn fat, because your body continues to burn fat long hours after your workout is over. That doesn’t mean that you have to train everyday this way, i advice that you walk or swim in a steady pace, two or three times a week, it’s good for your heart, it’s good to raise your levels of HDL (good cholesterol) so you can and should mix things up.

Again i tell choose to do what you really like, keep progression in mind, and mix things up between  and steady pace cardio. Just don’t over do it in the steady pace workouts, too much won’t be good for your health. When doing HITT don’t forget to warm up well first, do a bit of stretching and a minute of slow pace, and at the end cool your body with another minute of slow pace.

If you like to lift weights and/or bodyweight training like pushups, pullups and other exercises, i advice you to do it, even if you just want to burn fat and not to gain muscle, you should gain at least a little muscle and some strenght, it’s good for your health, for your bones, it gets you fit in every way, and gives your body a much better look, it gives you a hard toned look. It gives you a healthy look, and real health too.

All this combined with proper nutrition will give you excellent results on your fat burning goal, you’ll see the difference, remember to be pacient and persistent.



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