Burn Fat and Get Fit Carrying Weights

I think that carrying weights is one of the most simple but effective ways of burning fat and getting fit. I’ve started to think about it seeing the incredible strength of those guys who work delivering heavy stuff, or the ones who carry your furniture when you move to a new home. Most of them never stepped into a gym and yet they lift big weights with no trouble it all.

Then i’ve researched more, and i found out about some guys that the main core of their workouts is to carry things, exercises like the farmer’s walk, climbing stairs holding an heavy bag close to their bodies, over and over again. Walking or sprinting uphills with a back pack loaded with weight, walking while holding the heavy bags overhead. They all have huge strength and good body composition, muscle and no fat, and because their training is made of movement (walking, climbing, sprinting) it also works as cardio training.

This also proves that a gym can be anywhere, no excuses for not training. I’ve decided to start training like this for a while, and i can tell you the results are fantastic, i’m feeling really fit, my physical condition is very good, and i’m someone who has been working out and doing cardio for years, and yet this new way (it’s not new, for me is new because i hadn’t done it before) was really tough for me when i’ve started, trying to sprint or climb while carrying weights it’s no easy thing, i can tell you for sure.

After two weeks carrying weights four times a week, doing at the same time weight lifting and cardio, i feel so fit, that little stuborn fat, that bit that’s always hard to cut, has burned, melted, you name it, and the best of all is that, i’m even stronger than i was before starting this type of training.

This is really complete, it works your strength, it gets you well conditioned, you gain some muscle, real muscle, hard and toned, not the soft sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, and fat burning becomes real, and fast before your eyes, i didn’t expect the results being so good and fast, but they are. What i’m doing exactly is:

Day one: I walk for as long as i can carrying a bag, loaded with weights, when i can hold it no more, i rest 10 seconds, and then keep going, until i really can’t keep carrying.

Day two: I do squats and lunges holding the bag next to my body, i do about 2/3 heavy sets, then i take some weights off, and do it again, but this time holding the bag overhead.

Day three: I do sprints uphill with a backpack with weights, i’m doing now about 10 sprints of 25/30 metters

Day four: I lift the sandbag overhead from the ground, i do about 4/5 heavy sets, then i carry the bag back home (3 minutes walking, i live near the park) and i do a few sprints upstairs carrying the bag, just to finish the workout.

Everyday at the end of the workout i do planks and vacuum stomach for my abs. Every workout i try to add a little more weight to the bag. If you want a new challenge, if you want to get fit and to burn fat, then try this for a few weeks, you’ll see a huge difference in your body. Like in everything else about fitness and fat burning, our bodies adapt fast, so after a few weeks you should change and start mixing things up.

I always alternate things, if i spend days at the beach i do my workout there, other times i train at the gym, others i only do bodyweight exercises, right now i’m carrying heavy stuff when i workout, the most important is to progress and change things often.

Always remember that, eat clean, enjoy what you do, have fun, train hard and you’ll burn fat, and reach your fitness goals.


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