
Showing posts from May, 2023

Adventures with Nutritious Food A Chocolate Addict Tries Avocado

Ever since I was a young, curly-headed child, I have been a very reluctant fruit and vegetable eater. When my husband and I started growing vegetables in our garden last year, I slowly began to come around.  While I’m still no fan of the okra my husband can’t live without, I’ve learned squash and zucchini can be quite deliciou I have tried hard to work (non-fried) vegetables and (unsweetened) fruits into my diet, but I still have some improving to do. So, I made a vow to get one new fruit or vegetable every time we head to the grocery store and give it a go.  I know I won’t like every fruit and vegetable I try. But there are so many strange fruits and veggies out there (ex. kohlrabi) that I have never tasted, and that is simply inexcusable.  In hopes that you too might rise to the challenge with me and incorporate new fruits and vegetables into your life, I thought I would share my vegetable-eating adventures with you. I expect there will be plenty of weird colors, some messes and some

Body building cycle use and abuse of steroids

The process of developing muscle through exercise and diet is referred to as bodybuilding. Bodybuilding cycle is a cycle in which doctors prescribe drugs such as steroids in a cycle of time period after which it should be removed. After some months off the cycle, the next cycle begins and this procedure continues. These steroids induce artificial testosterone. The crowd is usually stereotypical that only the intake of steroids will automatically make the user built and muscular, the fact being that exercise is a must. Who uses steroids? Exercising is one of the best ways to achieve a great physique, but however people nowadays tend to go for shortcuts and engage themselves into artificial methods like using steroids. Unfortunately, they don’t realize how wrong they are. What are Steroids? Steroids are artificial hormones taken to boost performance. Human body consists of two kinds of steroids. Corticosteroids: They are synthesized by the adrenal glands. They are mainly hormones like a

Shoulder Pain? You Might Want To Hang Around For This

One of my fondest memories is my time in Army officer training at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina. It was more than 30 years ago but the memories are still sharply etched in my emotional storybook. I had spent my years to that point in a schizophrenic ping-pong match between my home in East Harlem and elite institutions like Collegiate School for Boys and Princeton University. My virgin voyage to the South showed me what America was really supposed to look and feel like. I knew as soon as I saw my barracks that some real learning was going to take place over the next few months. My fellow officer candidates were men and women my age from Puerto Rico, the Deep South, and the Appalachians. Black, white, and Latino. Our company commander was West Point-educated and our battalion commander was a 5’5” Vietnam veteran who had never made it past high school in West Virginia. I was the guy from New York. Strike 1. I went to Princeton University. Strike 2. Being “mixed race” was only a foul ball th

Lose the last 10 pounds - 2023

“Honey, who shrunk my pants?” All of a sudden, my pants weren’t fitting so well. I normally resist doing it for a number of reasons but I stepped on the scale. I was 12 lbs. heavier than the last time I had stepped on the scale a few months ago! I’ll admit it – i have my “fat clothes” too. The good news and the bad news is that I have them in storage. I don’t do self-loathing too well but I went through my own brief version. I had kind of noticed the problem over the last few weeks and I had asked Bernadette if she thought I was gaining weight. What I hadn’t been paying attention to was that she hadn’t really given me an answer. I cornered her at lunch and insisted on an answer. She looked away, held up the index finger and thumb on her left hand about two inches away from each other and mumbled, “I guess you’ve put on a tiny bit extra.” Ok. Even more damning than the scale. It took me a few days but I gave myself a hug. “The body is solidified mind.” The extra weight was not goingto b

Best one fat burning exercises

  In the last post i talked about fat burning tips, all related to nutrition, today i’ll be talking about fat burning again, but the tips are about exercises. First of all let me tell you that, all exercises can burn fat, there are ways to workout that are more effective than others, like doing your cardio in HIIT style I see a lot of trainers saying that running is better than swimming, or biking is better than running, or better than walking, and so on, so on, but the truth is, all exercises are good to burn fat, i know i already said this, but it’s very important that you keep this in mind. Any exercise that you choose to workout is good for fat burning. First of all it’s very important that you like what you’re doing, if not, there’s no point, you’ll be  bored, you won’t give your best, even though you really want to, but the motivation is never the same, and the final result will be you giving up, and that fat burning goal will be abandoned. If you like swimming and not biking, sw

Burn Fat and Get Fit Carrying Weights

I think that carrying weights is one of the most simple but effective ways of burning fat and getting fit. I’ve started to think about it seeing the incredible strength of those guys who work delivering heavy stuff, or the ones who carry your furniture when you move to a new home. Most of them never stepped into a gym and yet they lift big weights with no trouble it all. Then i’ve researched more, and i found out about some guys that the main core of their workouts is to carry things, exercises like the farmer’s walk, climbing stairs holding an heavy bag close to their bodies, over and over again. Walking or sprinting uphills with a back pack loaded with weight, walking while holding the heavy bags overhead. They all have huge strength and good body composition, muscle and no fat, and because their training is made of movement (walking, climbing, sprinting) it also works as cardio training. This also proves that a gym can be anywhere, no excuses for not training. I’ve decided to start

Misconceptions building muscle and burning fat

There are a lot of myths about fat burning in the fitness world, today i want to talk a bit about a few of them, and with that i hope i can help to clear some people’s minds about fat burning. Myth 1- To lose fat you need to eat six times a day so that your metabolism keeps burning calories. I don’t mean to be rude, but this myth is so stupid, and so non sense. First of all, it’s true we burn calories when digesting foods, but saying that we should keep eating to keep the metabolism burning calories is being stupid (it’s the kindest word i can find) First of all our metabolism is always burning calories, just to keep us alive, even when we’re sleeping. If you want to keep your metabolism firing and burning calories, how about doing some physical activity? I can tell you for sure that it’s the best way to keep burning calories. If you eat six times a day, you’ll never burn fat, because your blood will always be loaded with sugar, and your body will never burn fat, because having sugar

Is it possible to shape a muscle?

This question is often discussed in the fitness world, and it goes on and on, but the only true answer to that question is YES and NO. No because some aspects are determined by genetics, here comes an example, if you have flat shaped biceps, it doesn’t matter how many concentration curls you do, your biceps will never have a peak shape. Yes you can shape a muscle by enhancing some parts, one good example is the chest, if you choose to train with incline press instead of the flat bench press your chest will have a different shape, it will look “square”, even from top to bottom, if you choose to do more flat work your chest will look rounder, more soft (not a men’s chest). The purists who say that it’s not possible to shape a muscle like to talk about the all or nothing principle, that principle says that when you contract one muscle fibre, all fibers contract too, so they claim that to work one muscle all you need is one basic exercise. Using the chest again as an example, they claim th